Manfred Ogris, University of Vienna
Manfred Ogris
Professor for Pharmaceutical Sciences, and head of the Laboratory for Macromolecular Cancer Therapeutics (MMCT
University of Vienna

Manfred Ogris is professor for Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Vienna and head of the Laboratory for Macromolecular Cancer Therapeutics (MMCT). After studying biotechnology at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in Vienna, he carried out his PhD at the Vienna Biocenter. During his postdoctoral stay at the CRC Institute of Cancer Research, University of Birmingham/UK, he worked on peptide based endosomal escape mechanisms to improve synthetic gene delivery systems. In 2001, Dr Ogris joined the Faculty of Pharmacy and Chemistry at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich as a work group leader at the Chair of Pharmaceutical Biology and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology. The focus of his research group was to develop specific and efficient plasmid and siRNA based nucleic acid vectors for the treatment of metastatic cancers in combination with chemo- and radiation therapy. In 2009, Dr Ogris obtained his venia docendi (Habilitation) for Pharmaceutical Biology and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology. In 2013, he was appointed as a full professor for Pharmaceutical Sciences at the Department for Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Life Sciences of the University Vienna, where he founded and heads the MMCT lab. The MMCT lab has a strong focus on the development of macromolecular formulations for targeted drug delivery and nucleic acid based therapies. With the help of correlated, multimodal imaging pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of anticancer drugs are evaluated utilizing CT, MRI and optical tomography in tumor models in rodents. Therapeutic approaches are developed aiming at the interplay between cancer and the immune system. Manfred Ogris has authored 147 papers, which have been cited altogether >10,000-times (h-index 53, as of January 2024). Dr Ogris serves as editor for the European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics and is in the editorial board of journals like Cancers (MDPI), Drug Delivery and Formulation (Dove press) and others.