Anette Müllertz, University of Copenhagen
Anette Müllertz
Professor in Oral Drug Delivery and Industrial Relations
University of Copenhagen

Anette Müllertz is professor in oral drug delivery and industrial relations at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark (UCPH) and head of Bioneer:FARMA, a business unit of Bioneer A/S, which is a research-based, non-for-profit service provider within the area of biomedicine and pharmaceutical development. She is heading the Physiological Pharmaceutics Research Group at UCPH, focusing on developing oral lipid-based drug delivery systems and predictive biopharmaceutics tools. She has >250 publications in international, peer-reviewed journals with >15000 citations. She is / has been supervising 12 post docs, 54 PhD students and numerous master students, primarily at the University of Copenhagen. She is a Fellow at the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (2022), Fellow at the Controlled Release Society (2023) and recipient of the AAPS Lipid Based Drug Delivery Award (2005).