Philippe Lienard, AB Consulting CMC & Technology
Philippe Lienard
AB Consulting CMC & Technology

Philippe Lienard obtained his PhD in organic chemistry at the Orsay University, France, in Pr. Husson team in 1991. After having performed a post-doc in Pr. Oppolzer’s laboratory, he joined Synthelabo in 1993 in chemical development. Then, he occupied several positions within Sanofi chemical development including Head of Pilot Plant on various French and USA Sanofi sites. He has been working within pharmaceutical sciences for 10 years as Head of Early Development Unit in Vitry site and now, he’s currently CMC project leader for a department of Early Development at the interface of the research and the development unit for several research programs. Since few months, Philippe joined Pasteur Institute in Direction of Research Application and Industrials Relationship. His is the author or co-author of 10 publications or book chapters and the co-inventor of 2 patents.