Dr. Marizela Delic-Schlumbohm, IFF Pharma Solutions
Dr. Marizela Delic-Schlumbohm
Senior R&D Manager, (NovaMatrix®)
IFF Pharma Solutions

As the Senior R&D Manager at IFF’s Pharma Solutions, Marizela leads a segment of the Polymer Synthesis & Modification R&D team based in Bomlitz, Germany. Her key responsibilities encompass polymer modifications, rheological characterization of synthesized materials, and technical leadership for the NovaMatrix® R&D platform. As an ultrapure alginates expert, Marizela bridges the gap between biopharma technology needs and IFF’s R&D and manufacturing capabilities, fostering additional opportunities in this field. She holds a Master of Science degree in chemistry from the University of Technology in Vienna (TU Wien) and a PhD in Biotechnology from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU Wien).